Nasara International Taping AcademyAbout NITA
What is Taping Therapy?
Nasara International Taping AcademyAbout NITA
What is Taping Therapy?
What is Taping Therapy?
Many of you may not be familiar with the term "Taping Therapy". Taping Therapy includes one or a combination of the following :
Treat abnormal myofascial pain and dysfunctions
Prevention of joint subluxation due to imbalances in muscles surrounding joints.
Facilitating the smooth flow of blood and lymph, thus reduce swelling
Suppressing and/or relieving pain through stimulating the skin and the muscle.
Reconditioning or normalizing the soft-tissue and protection of the muscle and enhancement of muscle function.
Who Are Taping Therapists?
Taping therapists have received specialty training to evaluate and treat a variety of musculoskeletal dysfunction and/or problems. Many taping therapist have additional professional training in their specialty and/or other health-related fields.