Nasara International Taping AcademyAbout NITA
About NITA
Nasara International Taping AcademyAbout NITA
About NITA
What is the NITA?
The Objects & Approach of NITA
The NITA is the international professional academy for taping therapists. The NITA provides information, resources, and support for professionals and patients who seek information, guidance, research, and therapy services .
The NITA also provides certification and continuing education for those members who seek specialized recognition in the area of taping therapy. Members can achieve certification status through testing procedures and by meeting specific standards. A Directory of Membership includes all professionals who ascribe to the principles of the NITA. Those members who have achieved certification in taping therapy are also identified in the Directory.
This website provides information about taping therapy. It provides you with an opportunity to learn about these procedures and methods. We encourage you to contact to us or your country NITA branch to gain a better understanding of the taping therapy.
For information regarding to be a Certified Instructor of NITA, please, contact usĀ